St. Colmcille’s Boys’ National School, Chapel Lane, Swords, Co.Dublin K67 WP65

(01) 8405132

St Colmcille's BNS

Ní neart go cur le chéile

Interesting Facts about St Colmcille

  • The village of Colmcille in Longford is home to Anne Reilly Gibson (Mother of Mel Gibson) and Oliver Goldsmith (Writer).
  • One of the traditions on St Colmcille’s Feast Day is that people wear the Oak leaf in his honour.
  • He is one of the Patron Saints of Ireland as well as the Patron Saint of floods and bookbinders.
  • He is thought to have written over 300 books.
  • Aer lingus have a plane called ‘Colmcille’.
  • He died in 597. He collapsed before the alter of the church in Iona and his last words were:

Raise my hand, that I may bless my monks.

Higher still that I may bless the land of Erin and all I

Love there, my oakgrove and my children”.