St. Colmcille’s Boys’ National School, Chapel Lane, Swords, Co.Dublin K67 WP65

(01) 8405132

St Colmcille's BNS

Ní neart go cur le chéile

March 2015

Whole School Evaluation

Very many thanks and congratulations to all members of our school community who have been so consistently hard-working and co-operative. This tremendous, communal spirit and goodwill were very clearly demonstrated during the recent Whole School Evaluation. A copy of the report is now available on the Department of Education’s website,

Infant Enrolment

At this juncture, 61 places have been offered for the new school year. An induction meeting will be held on 11 May 2015.

Sporting Activities

The competitive sporting season is now in full swing. Details of games and results are published regularly on the school website, We congratulate the players for the manner in which they represent themselves, their families and their school. Directions to the away venues will also be uploaded to the school website on the day prior to a game.

Multi-Cultural Evening

Congratulations to all involved in the Multi-Cultural evening. Thanks very much to the members of our school community who baked/ cooked / assisted at this school event.

Retirement of Mr Thomas Shields

Mr Tom Shields retired as Chairperson of the Board of Management on Monday, 2 March. He has been a very supportive Chairperson and he has been available at all times to help our school in every possible way. He has overseen great improvements in the physical fabric and resourcing of the school. He has been unfailingly courteous in his dealings with staff, parents and pupils. We thank Tom for his great contribution to our school community and to the Parish of St Colmcille, and wish himself and Áine well for the future.

Welcome to Mrs Veronica Mc Dermott

The new Chairperson of the Board of Management is Mrs Veronica Mc Dermott. We thank Mrs Mc Dermott for taking on this role and wish her well.

School Website,

The school’s website goes from strength to strength, and each class now has its own blog.


We thank the parents who have signed up to run the Mini-Marathon on behalf of the school. It is not too-late to sign up.

Duty of Care / Behaviour in Junior Yard Prior to 8.50 a.m.

This is a reminder with regard to the commencement of the School’s Duty of Care. It is important for parents to bear in mind that they are responsible for their children prior to 8.50 a.m. and that the children are expected to walk in the yard.


The taking of class photographs will occur during the first week back in school after the Easter vacation. Please ensure that your son has his full uniform on each day except the PE days.


  • To the Parents’ Association which has been very supportive of school events and activities
  • To the parents who have assisted with transport to Gaelic football, soccer matches and the cross-country races
  • To Fingallians GFC and Fingal County Council for providing coaching to our pupils.

Post Primary Transfer

Most of the pupils in 6th Class have now obtained places for September 2015 in post primary schools. If parents wish to send their son to Colaiste Choilm, it is essential that they apply as soon as possible because a waiting list system is used. For Fingal Community College and St Finian’s Community College, applications are made when the boys are in 6th Class.

Dates for the Diary

  • Confirmation, 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 29 April 2015
  • First Holy Communion, 11.00 a.m. on Saturday, 16 May 2015

No Uniform Day

Friday, 27 March will be a non- uniform day. If parents/ pupils wish to contribute €1 or more, it will be donated to Society of St Vincent de Paul.

Trócaire Boxes

Trócaire boxes are being collected on Friday so it would be appreciated if all boxes could be returned by Thursday, please.

Local History Book

Holiday Arrangements

  • The school will close at 12.00 sharp on Friday, 27 March. On a number of occasions in the recent past, parents have forgotten that the school is closing at 12.00.
  • The school will re-open at 8.50 a.m. on Monday, 13 April.

We take this opportunity to thank the members of the school community for their support and goodwill during the term, and wish you a happy and safe Easter vacation.

Ní neart go cur le chéile